They say that there are two seasons for the roads – mud or dust – and we are deep into the dust season. We reduced the number of passengers that we will take in the truck since we really don’t want anyone sitting in the back in all the dust. Even though the doors and windows are shut, the cab is full of fine dust. The fan and air conditioner will be cleaned during our next trip to the city.

When we returned from Canada we were met with a great surprise. As we turned the corner at La Pista to head to Patujusal we were amazed to find an upgraded road. The holes that went to China had not only been filled, but the whole road was elevated about 2 meters. We think that it might be a bit of overkill but we are happy that we no longer dodge pot holes. However, nothing is ever ‘finished’ in Bolivia, so we encountered ‘montaƱas’ instead. When the machine pushed the dirt from 5 meters on either side of the road, it moved across the road, leaving gouges at every width of the blade. Natural speed bumps!
In Patujusal 2 ch
anges also occurred. The parts of road that caused the most problems during the last flooding season have been elevated. Rumor has it that the total road will be elevated, eliminating the flood problems. Some of us are minus entrances to our places but that seems to be a minor concern.
Today, some sections of the road are covered with up to 5 cm. of fine, flour-like dust. We are waiting for some rain. The lumber trucks can then compact the road. The new owner of the lumber company that has the lumber concession appears to be willing to work with the community so we hope that the road will be maintained this year.

When we returned from Canada we were met with a great surprise. As we turned the corner at La Pista to head to Patujusal we were amazed to find an upgraded road. The holes that went to China had not only been filled, but the whole road was elevated about 2 meters. We think that it might be a bit of overkill but we are happy that we no longer dodge pot holes. However, nothing is ever ‘finished’ in Bolivia, so we encountered ‘montaƱas’ instead. When the machine pushed the dirt from 5 meters on either side of the road, it moved across the road, leaving gouges at every width of the blade. Natural speed bumps!
In Patujusal 2 ch

Today, some sections of the road are covered with up to 5 cm. of fine, flour-like dust. We are waiting for some rain. The lumber trucks can then compact the road. The new owner of the lumber company that has the lumber concession appears to be willing to work with the community so we hope that the road will be maintained this year.