Monday, July 21, 2008

Emotional Roller Coaster

The emotional roller coaster had me for a rider today. The incredible downs centered on little Jose Luis, the son of one of the members of the Leader's group I teach. His brain activity has not increased but the doctors are unable to disconnect him from the machines until 48 hours has elapsed. It has been a traumatic day for his parents, just seeing the shell of their son breathing and heart beating but no brain activity. Today they covered his eyes so we did not see the vacant look. We think that tomorrow they will disconnect machine and we will be able to take him to Vibora for his burial.

But then there are the good things -- things that are hard to celebrate when someone else is dying. Jhonny is starting to respond and we are sure that he is hearing us. When we talk his body starts to move and his head turns. We are not sure how much he hears but I told his dad to tell him all about the farm. His dad, his brothers and sister came into town today to visit their mom. It was a great treat for Erselia.

And then there is the highlight. We were blessed with another grand daughter. Although we cannot hold her and hug her we hear that her big sister is doing that for us.

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